CHAP. 23. (20.)—THE INDUS.
The Indus, called Sindis by the natives, rises in that branch
of the Caucasian range which bears the name of Paropanisus,[1]
and runs in an easterly direction, receiving in its course the
waters of nineteen rivers. The most famous of these are the
Hydaspes,[2] into which four other rivers have already discharged themselves, the Cantaba,[3] which receives three other
rivers, the Acesinus, and the Hypasis,[4] which last two are
navigable themselves. Still however, so moderate, as it were,
do the waters of this river show themselves in their course,
that it is never more than fifty stadia in width, nor does it
ever exceed fifteen paces in depth. Of two islands, which it
forms in its course, the one, which is known as Prasiane, is of
very considerable size; the other, which is smaller, is called
Patale. According to the accounts given by the most moderate writers, this river is navigable for a distance of twelve
hundred and fifty miles, and after following the sun's course to
the west, in some degree, discharges itself into the ocean. I will
here give the distances of various places situate on the coast to
the mouth of this river, in a general way, just as I find them
stated, although they none of them tally with each other.
From the mouth of the Ganges to the Promontory of the
Calingi and the town of Dandaguda,[5] is six hundred and
twenty-five miles; from thence to Tropina twelve hundred and
twenty-five; from thence to the promontory of Perimula,
where is held the most celebrated mart in all India, seven
hundred and fifty, and from thence to the city of Patala, in the
island just mentioned, six hundred and twenty miles.
The mountain races between the Indus and the Jomanes are
the Cesi,[6] the Cetriboni, who dwell in the woods, and after them
the Megallæ, whose king possesses five hundred elephants, and
an army of horse and foot, the numbers of which are unknown;
then the Chrysei, the Parasangæ, and the Asmagi,[7] whose territory is infested by wild tigers; these people keep in arms thirty
thousand foot, three hundred elephants, and eight hundred
horse. They are bounded by the river Indus, and encircled by
a range of mountains and deserts for a distance of six hundred
and twenty-five miles. Below these deserts are the Dari and
the Surve, and then deserts again for one hundred and eighty-seven miles, sands in general encircling these spots just as
islands are surrounded by the sea. Below these deserts, again,
are the Maltecoræ, the Singæ, the Marohæ, the Rarungæ,
and the Morontes. These last peoples, who possess the
mountains throughout the whole range of country as far
as the shores of the ocean, are free, and independent of all
kings, and hold numerous cities upon the declivities of the
mountains. After them come the Nareæ,[8] who are bounded
by Capitalia, the most lofty of all the Indian peaks: the inhabitants who dwell on the other side of it have extensive
mines of gold and silver. After these again are the Oratæ, whose
king possesses only ten elephants, but a large army of foot;
next come the Suarataratæ, who live under the rule of a king
as well, but breed no elephants, as they depend solely on their
horse and foot; then the Odonbeores, the Arabastree, and the
Horacæ, which last inhabit a fine city fortified by trenches cut
in the marshes. It is quite impossible to approach the city,
except by the bridge, as the water in the trenches is full of
crocodiles, an animal most insatiate for human flesh. There
is another city also in their territory, which has been greatly
extolled, Automula by name, situate on the sea-shore, a
famous mart, lying at the point of confluence of five rivers:
their king possesses sixteen hundred elephants, one hundred
and fifty thousand foot, and five thousand horse. The king of
the Charmæ is a less opulent potentate; he has only sixty
elephants and some small remains of his former strength.
After these we come to the nation of the Pandæ,[9] the only one
throughout all India which is ruled by women. It is said
that Hercules had but one child of the female sex, for which
reason she was his especial favourite, and he bestowed upon
her the principal one of these kingdoms. The sovereigns who
derive their origin from this female, rule over three hundred
towns, and have an army of one hundred and fifty thousand
foot, and five hundred elephants. After passing through this
list of three hundred cities, we come to the Darangæ,[10] the
Posingæ, the Butæ, the Gogaræi, the Umbræ, the Nereæ, the
Brancosi, the Nobundæ, the Cocondæ, the Nesei, the Palatitæ,
the Salobriasæ, and the Olostræ, who reach up to the island
of Patala, from the extremity of whose shores to the Caspian
Gates it is a distance of nineteen hundred and twenty-five
After passing this island, the other side of the Indus is occupied, as we know by clear and undoubted proofs, by the
Athoæ, the Bolingæ, the Gallitalutæ, the Dimuri, the Megari,
the Ardabæ, the Mesæ, and after them, the Uri and the Silæ;
beyond which last there are desert tracts, extending a distance
of two hundred and fifty miles. After passing these nations,
we come to the Organagæ, the Abortæ, the Bassuertæ, and,
after these last, deserts similar to those previously 'mentioned.
We then come to the peoples of the Sorofages, the Arbæ,
the Marogomatræ, the Umbrittæ, of whom there are twelve nations, each with two cities, and the Asini, a people who dwell
in three cities, their capital being Bucephala,[11] which was
founded around the tomb of the horse belonging to king Alexander, which bore that name. Above these peoples there are
some mountain tribes, which lie at the foot of Caucasus, the
Soseadæ and the Sondræ, and, after passing the Indus and
going down its stream, the Samarabriæ, the Sambraceni, the
Bisambritæ, the Orsi, the Anixeni, and the Taxilæ, with a
famous city, which lies on a low but level plain, the general
name of the district being Amenda: there are four nations
here, the Peucolaitæ,[12] the Arsagalitæ, the Geretæ, and the
The greater part of the geographers, in fact, do not look
upon India as bounded by the river Indus, but add to it the
four Satrapies of the Gedrosi,[13] the Arachotæ,[14] the Arii,[15] and
the Paropauisidæ,[16] the river Cophes[17] thus forming the extreme
boundary of India. All these territories, however, according
to other writers, are reckoned as belonging to the country of
the Arii. (21.) Many writers, too, place in India the city of
Nysa,[18] and the mountain of Merus, sacred to Father Bacchus;
in which circumstance[19] originated the story that he sprang from
the thigh of Jupiter. They also place here the nation of the
Astacani, whose country abounds in the vine, the laurel, the
box-tree, and all the fruits which are produced in Greece. As
to those wonderful and almost fabulous stories which are related about the fertility of the soil, and the various kinds of
fruits and trees, as well as wild beasts, and birds, and other
sorts of animals, they shall be mentioned each in its proper
place, in a future portion of this work. I shall also very
shortly have to make some further mention of the four Satrapies,
it being at present my wish to hasten to a description of the
island of Taprobane.
But first there are some other islands of which we must
make mention. Patala,[20] as we have already stated, lies at
the mouth of the Indus: it is of a triangular figure, and is two
hundred and twenty miles in breadth. Beyond the mouth of
the Indus are the islands of Chryse and Argyre,[21] abounding in
metals, I believe; but as to what some persons have stated,
that their soil consists of gold and silver, I am not so willing
to give a ready credence to that. After passing these islands
we come to Crocala,[22] twenty miles in breadth, and then, at
twelve miles' distance from it, Bibraga,[23] abounding in oysters
and other bell-fish. At eight miles' distance from Bibraga we
find Toralliba, and many others of no note.
1. Or Hindoo Koosh. In this statement he is supported by Arrian,
Strabo, Mela, and Quintus Curtius. It rises, however, a considerable distance on the north-east side of the Himalaya.
2. The modern Jhelum.
3. Some writers suppose that this must be the same as the Hydraotes,
or modern Ravi, because the latter is not otherwise found mentioned in the
list given by Pliny. The name, however, leaves but little doubt that Pliny
had heard of the Acesines under its Indian name of Chandabragha, and
out of it has made another river.
4. The modern Sutlej.
5. Probably in the vicinity of the modern Calingapatam; none of the
other places seem to be identified.
6. Ansart suggests that the Cesi may be the same race as the modern
7. Perhaps the people of modern Ajmere.
8. These peoples are supposed by Hardouin to have occupied the southern
parts of the peninsula now known as Bisnagar, Calicut, and the Deccan,
with the Malabar and Coromandel coasts.
9. Hardouin suggests that this people dwelt on the present peninsula of
10. None of these appear to have been identified; indeed, it appears to
be next to impossible, owing to the corrupt state in which they have come
down to us.
11. Built on the Hydaspes by Alexander after his victory over Porus, B. C.
326, at the spot where he had crossed the river before the battle, and in
memory of his celebrated charger Bucephalus, who had expired during the
battle from fatigue and old age, or from wounds. The exact site of this
place is not known, but the probabilities appear in favour of Jhelum, at
which place is the usual passage of the river, or else of Jellapoor, about
sixteen miles lower down.
78 Probably the same that is mentioned in c. 21 of the present Book.
12. Parisot supposes that these were the inhabitants of the district which
now bears the name of Pekheli.
13. Gedrosia comprehended probably the same district as is now known
by the name of Mekran, or, according to some, the whole of modern Beloochistan.
14. The people of the city and district of Arachotus, the capital of Ara-
ehosia. M. Court has identified some ruins on the Argasan river, near
Kandahar, on the road to Shikarpur, with those of Arachotus; but Professor Wilson considers them to be too much to the south-east. Colonel
Rawlinson thinks they are those to be seen at a place called Ulan Robat.
He states that the most ancient name of the city, Cophen, (mentioned by
Pliny in c. 25 of the present Book), has given rise to the territorial desig-
nation. See p. 57.
15. The people of Aria, consisting of the eastern part of Khorassan, and
the western and north-western part of Afghanistan. This was one of the
most important of the eastern provinces or satrapies of the Persian empire.
16. This was the collective name of several peoples dwelling on the
southern slopes of the Hindoo Koosh, and of the country which they inhabited which was not known by any other name. It corresponded to the
eastern part of modern Afghanistan and the portion of the Punjaub lying
to the west of the Indus.
17. It is supposed that the Cophes is represented by the modern river of
18. The place here alluded to was in the district of Goryræa, at the
north-western corner of the Punjaub, near the confluence of the rivers
Cophen and Choaspes being probably the same place as Nagara or Dionysopolis, the modern Nagar or Naggar.
19. The word mn/ros, in Greek, signifying a "thigh."
20. Supposed by some to have been Lower Scinde, and the vicinity of
Kurrachee, with its capital Potala.
21. Ansart suggests that these may be the Laccadives. Their name means
the "gold" and "silver" islands.
22. Probably an island near the mouths of the Indus.
23. Probably the same as the Bibacta of Arrian. The present name of it
is Chilney Isle.